For: Teams (Female Only)
Dates: 25th-28th June
Where: Guadalajara, Spain
More Info: www.USAFutsal.com or Info@USAFutsal.comThere is a lack of competitions for women and girls to enter and USAFutsal want to address this. Like all their events this will be run very professionally to provide an premier experience. This will attract teams from across the world including Atletico Madrid, the Spanish Champions who are already signed up. The age categories are Benjamin (Born 04/05), Alevin (02/03), Infantil (00/01), Cadete (98/99) and Adult (1997 & Before).
Futsal Week Youth Camp

Dates: 29th June-5th July
Where: Zadar, Croatia
More Info: www.FutsalWeek.com and Mico.Martic@FutsalPlanet.com
This is 5 days of first class training and matches with top level coaches for players between the ages of 14-20, both male and female. This year they have also added a unique coaching mentoring programme with the opportunity to observe the coaches including FIFA Instructor Mico Martic, with detailed explanations and discussion on the sessions and information on how to coach youth futsal players. You will have an amazing time, both with the futsal and other organised activities.
For: Players & Coaches
Dates: 17th-19th July
Where:Perth, Scotland
More Info: www.FutsalPlanetStore.uk (currently offline) and FPS.uk@outlook.com
FutsalPlanetStore are bringing Spain’s Head Coach Venancio Lopez to the U.K. for the first time to present a 3 day coaching clinic. Registration is open to both coaches and players (both youth & adult), who will be coached by one of the world’s best. A unique opportunity to develop your coaching skills.
World Futsal Championships
For: Teams (Male & Female)
Dates: 8th-11th June
Where: Florida, USA
More Info: www.USAFutsal.com or Info@USAFutsal.com
This is the largest and premium international youth futsal tournament in the world today. It takes place in the incredible Disney All Star Sports Resort. The age categories are Pre-Benjamin (Born 03 & Before), Benjamin (04/05), Alevin (02/03), Infantil (00/01), Cadete (98/99) and Adult (1997 & Before). Last year one player was scouted by FC Barcelona and invited to train with them. The PFL SuperCopa 2015 will be held at the event which will feature Brazil Futsal Knin, the club side of Falcao, and São Paulo Futebol Clube.
Manchester International 4 Nations Club Tournament
For: Teams (Male only)
Dates: 15th-16th August
Where: Manchester, England
More Info: www.ManchesterFutsal.com or Tournaments@ManchesterFutsal.com
This tournament will be held in Manchester, a city famous for it’s football and sporting heritage. Manchester are looking to attract three adult men’s teams to compete in a 4 team competition. I’m sure it will be a great experience for the participants and you have the opportunity to catch a Premier League match while you’re there.
Futsal Week International Tournament
For: Teams (Male & Female)
Dates: 24th-30th August
Where: Zadar, Croatia
More Info: www.FutsalWeek.com and Mico.Martic@FutsalPlanet.com
This will be held in a spectacular 9,000 seater venue for three age categories; Seniors (Male & Female), U19s and U17s. There is sure to be a good mix of international clubs in attendance and the feedback on last year’s edition was excellent. FutsalWeek is an organisation run by futsal people so they know what makes a great event. There will also be a coaching seminar led by FIFA Instructor Mico Martic.
If you decide to take advantage of one of these great opportunities then I’m sure you won’t be disappointed!
Articles since last post
Here you can find an article I wrote for FutsalPlanet on Barcelona’s new signing
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